How do I search for content in my account via MediaFire for iOS?

Searching for Conent

If you want to access a file on MediaFire for iOS but cannot recall where the file is located, the search feature can be quite useful.  With MediaFire for iOS you can search for content (files and folders) within your MediaFire account utilizing search terms.  To perform a search via MediaFire for iOS, follow these steps:


  1. Locate the MediaFire icon on your iOS device.

  2. Open MediaFire by tapping the icon once.  The MediaFire sign in screen will appear.  Select Facebook if you would like to use your Facebook Account or Email Address if you would like to log in with your Email account.

  3. For this example, Email Address is selected.  After choosing Email Address, the next screen will ask for your email log in credentials.  Enter the email address and password associated with MediaFire and then select Sign In.

  4. Next, your root folder for MediaFire will appear.  You are now logged into MediaFire.

  5. At the top of your screen is a search dialogue box.  Enter the search dialogue by selecting Search.

  6.  Your keyboard will be displayed.  Type in your search term and select Search.

  7. A list of your search results will be displayed.  You may select your content to view it, tap the context menu icon to reveal actions, or select the MediaFire back button to exit the search dialogue.